The Problem
Visa situation in Indonesia can be confusing. It is a matter of clarifying your intention to be in Indonesia and what activities you would like to undertake which will determine the best visa for your circumstances.

Depending on your intended activities in Indonesia, one of the following will be applicable :
Free Visit Visa on Arrival
Single Visit Visa on Arrival : Social Cultural Visa
Single Visit Visa on Arrival : Single Entry Business Visa
Multiple Visa : Multiple Entry Business Visa
Limited Stay Visa for Foreign Investment: Investor Visa / Itas (313 & 314)
Limited Stay Visa for Working : Working Visa / Kitas (311 & 312)
Limited Stay Visa for Retirement : Retirement Kitas
Limited Stay Visa for Spouses of Indonesian Citizens: Spouse Kitas
Limited Stay Visa for Spouses of Kitas Holders: Dependant Kitas
Permanent Stay Visa : Kitap (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap)
Transit Visa
Cruise Ship Workers
Education & Training Visa
Volunteer Visa
Student Visa
Volunteer Visa
Professional Visa (e.g. for artists)
The Solution?
Do it right from the start. Our consultants are ready to help you navigate and understand the visa applicable to your circumstances. We partner with notable lawyers and notaries to bring you efficient (and correct) visa services.
How Alam Santi Can Help
This matter generally comes hand-in-hand with a venture in Indonesia so we can approach the matter in a holistic manner or instead focus only a few hours on understanding your needs, confirming the relevant visa type and obtaining all paperwork and relevant fees required to process your visa.
Can We Help You?
If you would like to understand more about the visa options available for you, contact us to arrange a consultation.