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Single Use Plastic : Solved!

Single use plastics are a huge challenge for projects aiming to be eco-conscious. Interested in how you can reduce your plastic use and also raise brand awareness? Alam Santi has the solution.

Not only can you reduce much of your plastic products, but with every product used provides visibility for your brand theme and messaging. A great way to showcase your commitment to reducing the earth, land and ocean.


Even if they used only 1 plastic straw per week, by the time they retire each of your guests will have each added more than 2,600 straws to the rivers, oceans and landfills of our world.

Alam Santi provides both stainless steel and pyrex glass straws which are sturdy, a pleasure to use, and easy to clean.


Estimates are that each person will dispose of 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime. Bamboo sequesters large quantities of CO2 even after its turned into products (like a toothbrush). Plastic, on the other hand, creates an environmental mess.

With Alam Santi you can offer your guests an eco-friendly branded alternative bamboo toothbrush as an in-room amenity that they will take home and remember you by.


Marine Conservation Societies have described cotton buds as one of the most prevalent varieties of pollution on beaches in the world. Alam Santi cotton buds are made with bamboo instead of plastic polypropylene sticks to keep both ears and the environment clean. Our creative design team can work with your project to brand your bamboo bud packaging as a great demonstration of your project's environmental consideration.


The Alam Santi design team can work with your project to design unique water tumblers for your guests and gift shops that can deliver your project's eco statement, while ensuring that your project is not contributing any unnecessary plastic into landfills in your area.

Alam Santi’s team is happy to offer you suggestions on how best to message your brand design on the above products. Don’t create waste with single use products, reusable products are the eco-conscious choice and it is your time to join the future!


To purchase any of the above projects contact Alam Santi and discuss prices and branding options. You can also book a training to educate your team on the importance of single use plastic alternatives.


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