Every project manager looking to create an eco-logic site or redesign an existing one to be more environmentally conscious will have to take into account a very important subject; water.
Water is what makes life possible and the very notion to not consider eco-logical water use is not possible with an environmental venture. Alam Santi offers consulting services and a dedicated training which can teach you how to properly conserve your water resources, harvest rainwater, create potable drinking water on tap and dramatically reduce your water consumption. These simple strategies can have a huge impact on your site's eco rating.
The Water Problem in Bali
In Bali, it is very important to consider conscious water use. 80% of the island’s economy is tourism-based, and the Red Cross states that diversion of water to densely populated urban areas is affecting 50 million people across Indonesia, including hundreds of thousands in Bali itself. The island is facing a water crisis that is threatening food security, traditional culture and quality of life.
The people of Bali distributes water resources through the "subak", a sophisticated irrigation system that diverts water from channel to rice field and back - since the 9th century. Now, once the dry season arrives, water is not always available, causing one to question whether the tourism mindset towards water should be changed.
Water: Direct and Indirect Uses
Water can be used for direct and indirect purposes. Direct purposes include bathing, drinking and cooking, while examples of indirect purposes are the use of water in processing wood to make paper and in producing steel for automobiles. The bulk of the world's water use is for agriculture, industry and electricity production.
In order for us to continue to use our water directly and indirectly in a sustainable way, countermeasures must be made, and Alam Santi’s training on this subject will not only allow you to grasp the effects of inadequate water use but also show you the best way to combat this effectively.
During an interview on this training, Nyoman from Alam Santi had this to say :
Rainwater harvesting is the best way to conserve groundwater. Do you agree?
Yes I do, because it can further conserve the water reserves in deep wells for the common population and also give us a better quality of water.
How long does it take for a training with Alam Santi on Eco-logical Water Use?
Three hours, including consultation on your site’s specific needs.
Fresh water is an important part of a site’s eco implementations, and these practical solutions have enormous environmental benefits, while providing you and your project with major financial benefits over time.
Contact us to learn more about how your site can be improved to conserve water for you and your local community.